Company Introduction Experience the infinite beauty created by the technical skills of Daehan Ultravision accumulated for 40 years. Company Introduction Experience the infinite beauty created by the technical skills of
Daehan Ultravision accumulated for 40 years.

Company Status

Daehan Ultravision has worked hard for 40 years exclusively in the field of LED display.
The company has challenged itself to develop high levels of technology and executed commercialization.
In the field of LED screens, Daehan Ultravision is a world-renowned technical company.
Everyday for 40 years, the company has accumulated technical skills through innovation,
which enables the company to steadily progress in the competitive market and allows the
company to lead the development of products that customers want.
To the casual observer, many items in this field may seem very similar in shape and appearance,
but the technology and value contained in them and the visual results are clearly different.
Daehan Ultravision will always be seeking to innovate and progress.

Company Name

Daehan Ultravision Co., Ltd.


Kim Jae eul

Date of Establishment

May 1st, 1981

Date of Incorporation

January 9th, 1989

Staff Size


Changes and Challenges for New Creation

Daehan Ultravision, with an open minded and honest approach, pursues the highest
standards in terms of ethical management, value management, and technology
management and embraces ‘changes and challenges for new creation’
as its top priority in order to achieve infinite growth and development.